Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why His Temperature is Low

Like having a great hair day on the day of your haircut appointment, or your car not making the funny noise for the mechanic that it's made for you for two weeks, so my kids seems to be pictures of health and liveliness when presenting them to the doctor for a supposed fever and other symptoms.

Our entire household has been sick to varying degrees for 3 weeks. Joel was the only one with a fever and that started Monday night. By Wednesday morning, he still had one. I didn't take his temp, but guessed it was at least 100-101.

So Wednesday afternoon I take him to the doctor's office. The nurse takes his temperature.

"What is it?" I ask?

"It's 97.5, " she replies.

"That low?" I ask. "Hmmm!"

Then Joel pipes up, "That's because I'm only five."

1 comment:

Diane said...

Isn't that the way it always goes? Or you take them to the doctor and hear, "We're seeing a lot of this viral thing going around. Just make sure he drinks plenty of liquids and gets a lot of rest."

Oldest grandson is running a fever of 103 right now. These kids and their fevers.