Thursday, October 05, 2006

Birdwatching Funnies

I took Joel to breakfast this morning while waiting for Sarah's 45-minute class to end. Since his clothes didn't match AT ALL, we sat in the car after picking up food in the drive-thru.

We happened to park right next to a well-landscaped area consisting of two red bushes (called burning bushes) a couple of everygreen shrubs and a small tree. A darling flock of finches chirped and chatted in the bushes. A chickadee sang with all her heart from a middle branch on the tree. A nasty bluejay didn't like her song, apparently, and bullied her out of the tree. Thankfully the jay took off soon and the finches flew into the tree.

I said, "Joel, listen to them. What do you think they're saying?"

"I think they're saying, "Welcome to the tree," he surmised.

When we picked up Sarah I told Joel to tell her what we had seen while waiting for her.

Joel said, "We saw little birds, black and white. They are precious in His sight."

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