Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Solomon's Impact

Last night I was cutting Joel's hair before leaving for the fireworks show. He was standing on a chair, eye level with me. Sarah had just come into the room and was standing behind him.

He put his hands on my shoulders. "I LOVE you!" he exclaimed happily.

"I love you, too, honey," Snip, snip.

"Can I hug you, Mama?"

"Of course you can hug me!" I said, and wrapped him in a tight embrace. As he let go of me slowly, his hands slid along the sides of my bosom. He looked down and said, "You have BEAUTIFUL breasts!"

Sarah and I burst out laughing. She clapped her hand over her mouth. My mouth was on my ankles.

"Where's he GET this stuff?" I asked Paul later when telling him the story.

Remembering I occasionally read aloud to Joel whatever passage I'm journaling in the morning, Paul replied, "You been readin' Song of Solomon to him again?"

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Laughing . . . !!!