Friday, December 07, 2007

Not a Big Fan

Tonight was Joel's co-0p Christmas presentation. This morning I was prepping him by telling him what he'd wear.

"Holiday clothes," I said. "That's what the email said kids should wear. No t-shirts and jeans."
I showed him the long-sleeved red polo and black corduroys he was going to put on.

"I'll look like a nerd," he said. "I don't even like red anymore."
"Too bad," I said, "and you won't look like a nerd. All the kids will be wearing Christmas colors."

He whined and sulked and finally I said, "Keep it up, young man, and you'll land yourself in trouble."

"I'm just not a big fan of the holidays!" he said.

"Okay, I'll take back all your presents, then," I said. "They're for the holidays."

"Well, I am a big fan of presents, but not holidays."

"You mean holiday clothes?"

"Yeh, holiday clothes."

He wore the red and black tonight.


Anonymous said...

Joel sounds like such a character - I would love to meet him!
Does he like red now? ;)

Anonymous said...

He's a character.And no, he doesn't like red now. His latest favorite color is green.