Thursday, December 21, 2006

O, Christmas Tree

Laurie suggested a Christmas Tree Tour (having bloggers post pictures of their own trees).

Ours this year was too big for the space originally. We went to a corner lot in Bel Air where the Lion's Club was selling. They should call themselves Lions with Pines, but I digress.

I asked the young guy helping, "How tall are you? I need no bigger than a 7 foot tree." He said he was six feet. I know 6'6" when I see it, but not a mere 6 feet. So when we (Joel, Sarah and I) selected our favorite tree, it looked less than 2 feet taller than the guy. Wrong.

It not only scraped the ceiling, it bent like in a scoliatic way (if that's a word. The tree had scoliosis). So we hacked off the top and I wanted to send that part to Trip in Iraq. (I'm such a sap, but "sap" was a problem that could drip and the whole package rejected by customs). Besides, we figured the needles would die in transit. Great-- send a soldier a dead tree to cheer him and his buddies. So we tossed it out.

This year I was really in the mood to decorate, feeling very nostalgic; we put up almost every ornament we own. I am trying to get rid of all the storebought baubles and just keep the handmade stuff or things given as gifts.
-One red velvet heart was given to us volunteers at the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Some crocheted wreaths were given us by clients of Paul's dad who was a plumber in the city.
-A small poinsettia boutenniere was from Paul's wedding tux.
- A crazy wrought iron coyote from my Aunt Linda in Santa Fe. Joel helped , which explains the bottom heaviness of decorations.
-The poinsettia tree skirt is a round tablecloth from Mexico, which I bought on a trip the year I miscarried Hope Kathryn (1999). It reminds me of the poverty I saw down there in a town ironically named Progresso. Even more ironic is heaping lots of gifts on top of it.
-I tied two patriotic ribbons onto the tree this year, one to represent my sister, Andrea, who is playing the supporting role to her husband while he's in Iraq, one for Trip himself. Actually, he's coming "home" for the holidays to Vegas and then Hawaii.

The angel sometimes sits straight and sometimes crooked on top. I think I'd sit crooked all the time if I had a tree branch up my skirt.


Kitty Couture said...

Precious pictures! My tree is hardly different from last year. It sits on Seb's toy chest from when he was a little boy (now we store important papers and... fabric FQs in that chest!). The only new ornies are two kitty ornies, one for Seb and one for me. It's not big, and hasn't got that many ornies, but I treasure the fact that each ornie is hand-made with love - and there'll be a bit more every year.

I'll try and share a picture.
Thank you for yours, and for sharing the story of your tree.
Hope you got my little card! Love and hugs

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having fun! And your tree has lots of memories hanging from it.

Bethany said...

So sweet. I didn't know you had six kids!!!! Wow. We had so many Christmas Trees we had to cut off the top of. My Dad always wanted the biggest tree he could fit and when we went and cut them down in the woods that was dangerous. HEE HEE. Love all your stories and ornaments. CUte pics...enjoying your camera huh.

Zoanna said...

Bethany, I don't have six kids. Just 4. The kids in the shot are my Operation Gummi Worms kids. Joel is the only boy since it's a girls club but he loves arts, crafts and soldier (his uncle Trip being one of them). Loving the camera, yes!

Anonymous said...

Love your tree, Zo. Great story about the top-lop. thanks for doing the tour. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos, and so much love in them. I'm so glad to be priviledge to discover your family life. God bless all your children and husband and YOU as the heart of the family. I do love as you give your own profile on the blog. You'll see photos of my grand children on my blog (they are very often at home) as life is difficult for their parents sometimes. I'll come back to you soon. But please give me your postal address (on the e mail box which is found on the top of my blog). With much friendship from France.