Monday, October 08, 2012

A Boy's Phone Call

Earlier today I said to Joel: You can't get on video games till after dinner.
Him: Okay. Can I call (my friend) to tell him?
Me: Yes, go ahead,.
Him: (on phone) Hey, I can't get on video games till after dinner.
Other Boy: Okay. Bye.
(They hang up.)
Joel: See, Mom, that was a BOY'S phone call. A girl's phone call would've been like this: (talking in a very high voice) Hi! What're you doing? Oh, really? Playing with Barbies? Do you want to trade Barbies? Wait! Girls don't trade Barbies. Well, um, I just wanted to let you know I can't get on video games till after dinner, so.... yeah, I know. Bummer! But wait, I got one more thing to tell you. I mean five things. Or probably ten more things....."

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I'm sorry to hear you didn't have good results. I'm going to visit several of your posts and add you to my blog log. You subject, your DAD, sounds awesome to me. Between you and me...the number who blogged about their animals made me yawn; but your DAD...ahhhh so sweet. Limited what I can do from my ipad, but I will return. Since I work on my feet sitting with feet up currently in L.R.....thus the ipad vs my computer. By the way your captcha is on, but it's actually one I think I can read