Sunday, October 02, 2005

Get the Lingo Right

Our old laptop died a couple weeks ago and Paul bought a new one. He proceeded to inform me the day it arrived, rather matter-of-factly (not with any condescension) that those kinds of computers are properly called "notebooks". No, to me, a notebook is a 3-ring binder or a spiral and always will be. Besides, I've been enjoying Joel's pronuncation: "yab-bop". I didn't realize Joel had tuned in so hard to Paul's explanation of computer lingo.

Until yesterday.

Joel was being supervised while playing Neopets online. Then Stephen had to do some homework online.

"Joel, I need the laptop," Stephen said.

"It's NOT called a YAB-BOP, STeeeee-Phen," he corrected his teenage brother (with a trace of condescension). "It's called a NOTEBOOK."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Neopets is soooo addictive... supervision is very wise!

Too bad Nicole and I don't have someone to supervise us... ;)