Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Today Joel made up a word I think we'll use regularly: buttkin. Here's how it came to be:

I was trying to get him dressed after a bath. He was okay with being dried off and getting the "unnawear" on, but when it came time for the shorts, he hopped away.
I told him to hop back here. He hopped farther away. I hopped toward him (not really hopped, that would've shattered bedside trinkets) but okay, I followed him into my bathroom. "You need a spankin' on the butt?" I asked.

"Noooo, don't give me a buttkin."

What's a mom to do? I bent him over my knee and smiled behind his back. It was all I could do to stifle a full-fledged laugh.

Then I swatted his little buttkin and told him to obey Mommy. He hopped back to where his clothes awaited him.

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