Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Being Sick isn't Funny, but ...

Joel is funny even when he isn't feeling well. He's been congested since Sunday, had a cough, fever and fatique, with occasional bouts of puking.

1) Last night he felll asleep in bed next to his daddy. When I came to bed, Joel stirred a bit ,

I said, "Let me blow your nose, honey. Sit up a minute."

He sat up but shook his head and protested hoarsely, "Nooooo, nooooo! Dad does it better than you." I agreed, but made him blow his nose for me anyway.

2) This morning he came down the steps and I heard him crying. He looked so pathetic. I said, "What's wrong, buddy?" He pointed to his nose and said, "Snot!"

3) Ben cleaned his own room thoroughly yesterday. NOthing out of place, everything sanitized, wiped down, vacuumed. However, when I peeked in and saw Joel sprawled out on the bed playing a video game, I glanced at the window sill. There, lined up as neat as a row of soldiers, were about ten dirty kleenexes.

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