Thursday, August 02, 2007


Early this week Joel had been complaining about a stomach ache for two days. I questioned him for how long it had been since he pooped. Neither of us (nor anyone else who wipes him) could remember.

On the third day he let me give him a glycerin suppository. Twenty minutes later he had a good, healthy "go." While I was wiping him, I asked, "So, do you feel better?"

"Yeah! Much, MUCH Better! I can't believe that worked so fast!"

Then yesterday I was all nervous about playing keyboard for the first time at care group, but didn't voice my nerves. All I said, sort of half out loud to no one in particular in the kitchen was, "Man, my stomach hurts!"

To which Joel promptly prescribed a cure.

"Well, just stick one of those things up your butt!"


Anonymous said...

that is hilarious. remind me never to tell Joel my stomach hurts!

Diane said...

OMG! that's the funniest thing I've read all day.

Vicki said...

That is so funny. What a great kid. He might be a doctor when he grows up. You have some other funny doctor stories about him where he has great opinions...